How and where to get free legal advice?

How and where to get free legal advice?

Date : 19 Sep, 2019

Post By Sankul Nagpal

To have the ends of justice delivered, it is very important that the law of the land is applied correctly. However, for a layman, the knowledge of the law is limited and hazy. Therefore, legal advice serves as the foundation of your legal battle. To make sure this foundation is available to all irrespective of individual and socio-economic differences, the concept of free legal aid is devised.

Free legal advice serves as a stepping stone for those who want justice to prevail but cannot afford to bear the costs involved to do so. With free legal aid, an individual can get well versed with the key strengths and weaknesses of his/her case without worrying much about the soliciting costs involved.

The Constitutional Pathway for Free Legal Advice
Constitution of India under Article 14 states that “Every person is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection of the law”. Article 22 of the constitution further secures a right to be defended by a legal practitioner of his choice. When read together, both these provisions aim at securing fair and equal opportunity of justice to all.

How and where to Get Free Legal Advice

With the constitution provisions for free legal advice in line, the question that might strike you is, where shall you get the best lawyers and legal professionals who are equipped with legal skills as well as humanity to provide it for free? The answer is Lawtendo a legal tech company having a network of 15000+ experienced lawyers across the country.

To avail Lawtendo’s services one can directly visit the website, wherein on the page you’d find a section on the very top saying, Ask free questions. You can ask any legal related query and a guaranteed reply is ensured within 24 hours by the most experienced legal consultants for free.

With lawtendo, you can avail free legal advice and consultation without worrying about hefty costs involved. You can also look in for the already asked questions with their answers by some of the top lawyers of the country in the field.

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