How to Recover Money from a Person refusing to pay up

How do you recover money from a person refusing to pay up ?

Date : 04 Jan, 2023

Post By Vishal Kumar

How do you recover money from a person refusing to pay up ?

Most of the time, people lend money because they are sure the borrower will pay it back on time. However, the lender's frequent, polite reminders regarding loan repayment may become necessary at times. In addition, the recipient of the loan may be required to adhere to a particular repayment schedule. A lender should not hesitate to consult a lawyer and file a lawsuit against the debtor if none of the repayment calls are successful. Indian laws have been updated to include specific laws for what can be done in the instance of someone refusing to pay up. Here, we will discuss some of these legal options

Legal actions you can take
You have the option of taking legal action in the event that an individual fails to return your funds in accordance with the terms that were agreed upon. You can take the following actions:

1.              Send a demand for payment in writing.

2.              In the small claims court, file a complaint.

3.              Obtain legal counsel to present your case to the appropriate court.

4.              If you believe you have been cheated, you can complain to the police.

5.              Obtain a court order to attach the person's property.

6.              Hire a recovery agent to seize the person's property to enforce the order.


Civil Suit

 A lender can file a civil suit for recuperating the cash owed through a loan agreement or promissory note under Order 37 of the CPC, which permits the lender to file a summary suit. The first step in this process is to write the summary lawsuit. After that, the borrower should get the summons. Alongside the copy and request, the court requires specific additional documents as well. Within ten days of the filing of the lawsuit, the defendant must appear in court. If the account holder doesn't appear, the lender should show the court the request that was recently sent, and afterwards the adjudicator might urge him to send another request. The defendant may present a defence in court if he has one; If this is not the case, the judge will accept the lender's claim and award him the judgment in his favour.


The Negotiable Instrument (NI) Act also provides the creditor with the opportunity to file a complaint. The Act can only be used to sue parties who haven't paid back money borrowed through instruments like checks and exchange bills. Under Section 138 of the NI Act, the lender may file a lawsuit if the borrower returned the money by check and it was later discovered that the check had bounced. The specified repayment period is thirty days in this instance. The lender will file a criminal complaint against the debtor if the money is not returned. In addition to any fines or other penalties imposed, he may be required to repay the entire amount of the check, and if the court finds him guilty, they could be sentenced to two years in prison.

Criminal Suit

Under Sections 420 and 406 of the Indian Penal Code, the lender has the right to sue the debtor for cheating and criminal breach of trust if the debtor fails to repay the lender's funds. If the court finds the debtor guilty, the debtor faces prison time and the obligation to repay the loan amount.


Out-of-Court Settlement

The lender can attempt to get the money they are owed by opting for an out-of-court settlement through Lok Adalat, arbitration, or conciliation. This is one of the quickest and least expensive ways to recover. To reach an agreement outside of court, both parties (the lender and borrower) must be willing to attend the hearing and present themselves. Before making a decision, the arbitrators typically listen to the parties. There usually is no room for appeal after the award is announced.


Drafting a Legal Notice

One of the most important steps in recovering money in India is to send a legal notice. A lawyer typically issues a legal notice to solicit settlement on behalf of their client. Legal notice must include the following:

  1. The legal notice should be written on a lawyer's letterhead and include the lawyer's contact information and address.

  2. The date of the legal notice's issuance, as well as the individual's name, address, and other contact information, must be included.

  3. The lender's name and other information must also be shared.In the notice, it should be clear how the lender’s right was breached by the other party’s actions

  4. Any such act of omission might be included in the notice. The relief sought and a time frame for providing it must also be mentioned.

  5. The most important thing is to ensure that the notice is signed and dated by the sender and the lawyer.


Things to keep in mind

 Here are some things to keep in mind when taking legal action to get your money back:


  • You only have a limited amount of time to sue. The legal time limit changes from one state to another, however it is for the most part three years from the date of the alleged crime.

  • It's possible that you'll be asked to provide proof that the person who took your money actually did so. You might be able to support your case with surveillance footage or other documents.

  • If you are suing for damages, you will probably have to show that the other person's actions caused the loss. As a result, you will need to demonstrate that the person who took your money was liable for the consequences.


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Lawtendo is a platform through which we help people find, consult, and hire lawyers. We work around the clock to provide customers with the best lawyers who meet their needs. We collaborate with a wide range of lawyers whose specialities include property possession delays, money recovery, and. cheques, We also assist in areas involving court marriages, as well as divorce and registration, will contract and drafting, labour issues, and builder disputes. We also provide information on all these topics, so that in the hour of need, all your legal queries can be answered in one place. Lawtendo is a hassle-free platform that puts in a lot of effort to ensure that you, the client, have the best legal information and lawyers at your disposal.

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My sister-in-law refuses to refund money I spend for her husband brother as she had requested me to spend 5 days of his medical expences at hospital where he was admitted.Now my brother is no more otherwise he would have given me.Brother expired on 30th of July. Later I intend to file criminal case in court.

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