Understanding Succession Certificates In India: A Key Guide For Legal Heirs

when succession certificate is required

Date : 24 Aug, 2023

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Under the Indian Succession Act, a succession certificate is a document that authorizes the person who acquires it to represent the deceased in collecting debts and securities owed to him or payable in his name. Typically, a succession certificate is issued. In the absence of a will, a succession certificate will serve as the primary document. A succession certificate should be obtained by petitioning a magistrate or a high court. In most cases, the court has a separate cell that issues succession certificates.
A succession certificate is often necessary when a person dies and leaves behind specific assets, properties, debts, or securities, and the legal heirs or beneficiaries must show their entitlement to such assets. It is a court-issued legal document that certifies the genuine heirs and beneficiaries of a deceased person's inheritance. The heirs can use the certificate to collect and transfer assets, settle debts, and conduct other related operations.
This certificate authorizes the dead person's successor(s) to realize debts and securities. The issuance of a succession certificate does not provide the right of succession to a deceased person's claimed property because it does not determine the deceased person's right, title, and interest in a specific property or the entire property. However, the intestate deceased person's successor(s) is/are entitled to inherit the deceased person's property.
A succession certificate is governed under the Indian Succession Act, of 1925 in India. It is required when a person dies without leaving a valid will and his or her legal heirs need to show their entitlement to the deceased person's assets, which include bank accounts, securities, debts, and other movable property.

A succession certificate is required in situations of

When Is Succession Certificate Required?

1. Intestate Succession: When a person dies without leaving a will, the legal heirs must establish their link to the dead and their right to the estate. The lawful heirs and their respective shares in the assets are established by a succession certificate.
2. Bank Accounts and Financial Assets: If the dead had money in bank accounts, fixed deposits, savings accounts, or other financial assets, the legal heirs will need a succession certificate to access or transfer the funds.
3. Shares and Securities: A succession certificate is necessary to transfer ownership to the legal heirs in circumstances where the dead held shares, stocks, mutual funds, or other securities.
4. Debts and Liabilities: A succession certificate may be required in order to pay off the deceased's debts and liabilities using the estate's assets.
5. Property Ownership and Transfer: A succession certificate demonstrates the legal heirs' right to inherit and manage any immovable property that the dead possessed, such as land, houses, or real estate.
6. Pension and Insurance Claims: Beneficiaries may require a succession certificate as confirmation of their eligibility for pension payments, insurance payouts, or other financial entitlements of the deceased.
7. Legal Standing and Representation: A succession certificate grants the heirs legal standing and authorizes them to speak on behalf of the decedent's estate in court proceedings and business dealings.
8. Business and Commercial Assets: A succession certificate may be necessary for the transfer of ownership or management of a business if the deceased was a business owner or had commercial assets.

It's vital to remember that in India, state regulations and regional court procedures can affect the steps and requirements for obtaining a succession certificate. Legal heirs typically have to submit an application to the appropriate civil court, including information on the dead, familial links, a list of assets and debts, and other necessary details. The court next considers the claims and, if satisfied with the legitimacy of the application and the applicant's eligibility, may issue the succession certificate.

Succession Certificate For Property

It's vital to remember that in India, state regulations and regional court procedures can affect the steps and requirements for obtaining a succession certificate. Legal heirs typically have to submit an application to the appropriate civil court, including information on the dead, familial links, a list of assets and debts, and other necessary details. The court next considers the claims and, if satisfied with the legitimacy of the application and the applicant's eligibility, may issue the succession certificate.
According to Section 370 of the Indian Succession Act, when a deceased person leaves behind a lawfully drafted Will, the executor of the Will becomes the sole beneficiary of the estate, and a Succession Certificate cannot be issued in these circumstances. In circumstances where it is appropriate, the District Court (Section 371 of the aforementioned Act) whose district the deceased person ordinarily resided in is the appropriate court to issue the certificate.

For Movable Property

A Succession Certificate is a legal document that the court issues to allow the heirs of the deceased to claim any movable property. It is important, and while creating and putting them into action, appropriate guidance should be sought.
Most banks won't deliver money or FDs to the successor without paperwork of this kind. It is utilized for movable assets like FDs and bank deposits. The Civil Court may authorize the release of a person's obligations and securities if they pass away intestate (without leaving a Will). It establishes the heirs' legitimacy and gives them the power to transfer the deposits and other assets into their names. On a request made by the beneficiaries in a court with relevant jurisdiction, it is granted by the applicable laws of inheritance.
Any beneficiary who wishes to inherit the deceased person's assets or simply have them transferred into his name must first file for a succession certificate at the court where the deceased person last appeared.
The document or certificate that is made public proves the petitioner's legitimacy and grants him the right to request the transfer of the assets into his name. The beneficiary will have complete responsibility and liability for honoring any debt or security related to that specific property in addition to power.
The document is always issued in accordance with the relevant inheritance rules for all requests made by a recipient to a court of competent jurisdiction.

For Immovable Property

In India, a succession certificate may be needed for real estate. A succession certificate may be required when a person passes away without leaving a valid will and there are legal heirs who need to prove they are entitled to the deceased person's immovable property (such as land, houses, etc.).
A legal procedure is required to get a succession certificate for immovable property, and the heirs must submit an application to the relevant court. The heirs' testimony and supporting documentation will be taken into account by the court when determining who has a legitimate claim to the property. If approved, the certificate establishes the legal heirs' right to control and inherit the estate.
The necessity of a succession certificate for immovable property differs depending on the unique circumstances, Indian state laws, and judicial practices in the area. It is best to seek legal advice from a professional who is knowledgeable about the laws of the Indian state where your immovable property is located in order to determine the precise steps and prerequisites for obtaining a succession certificate there.
Here, we have instances when legitimate heirs contest ownership of title and occupancy. The title to a piece of property may be transmitted systematically by a factum of a will or the Law of Natural Succession if the inheritors are class I legal heirs. Through a Gift Deed, a transfer can also happen while the recipient is still living. In other situations, a person can utilize a partition to assert his or her claim. After these steps are finished, the person has complete ownership and control. Our company can handle all associated services, including document acquisition and sale if you so want in the future.


A succession certificate is very important in the area of Indian inheritance and estate management, to sum up. Legal heirs are forced to prove that they are entitled to the deceased's possessions and assets when he or she passes away without leaving a will. The succession certificate serves as a crucial legal document that, in addition to confirming the legitimate heirs, gives them the authority to access, manage, and transfer a variety of assets, including financial holdings and real estate.
The succession certificate is a cornerstone of the legal system in a nation as diverse and dynamic as India, where family structures and asset holdings can be complex, enabling the smooth transfer of money, obligations, and rights from one generation to the next. By using this legal tool, the deceased's legacy is protected while allowing their heirs to pursue their financial and personal goals within the bounds of the law.

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