Regarding Civil Suit

When we file a civil suit in Gujarat, it is featured under, say for example 1) SRA1963 section 34 2)CPC 1908 order 39 rule 1 & 2.My question is that, will it be discussed and disposed under these two acts only? whether the case can be discussed and disposed on the basis of some other Act? 3) Is it allowed to change the already featured acts while the case is on? 4) Are plaintiff or defendents allowed to change the featured acts, say for example, Hindu Succession Act 1956?

Free Legal Advice - civil law

Posted by: Hemant

Posted on: 2018-08-25

Hi hemant, for the 1&2 question, yes it will be discussed around these two acts only if the case is filed under the said acts. if you claim relief under some other act, it can be. yes through amendment of pleadings relief can be claimed under new acts and parties can be added to the same suit anytime before judgement under orders of c.p.c.

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