What Is The Best Advice To Handle Adverse Possession Of Land?

What is the best advice to handle adverse possession of land?

Free Legal Advice - civil law

Posted by: Avinash Patil

Posted on: 2018-08-27

Adverse possession cases often proceed to trial, rather than being resolved based on a summary judgment motion or other pre-trial disposition, precisely because the questions are so fact-specific. Often, one or both of the parties has not personally owned the property for the entire ten year period, in which case it is necessary to investigate how the prior owner used the property, and whether there were any explicit agreements between the prior owners generally, the prior owner?s use ?counts? toward the current owner?s claim. It is to be asserted that the statute of limitation bars the action, or that another element necessary to an adverse possession claim. Lawtendo provides the best platform for assistance of a legal advisor .

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