Thank you Nikita for helping me out in getting a deemed conveyance certificate for my dream house in a hassle-free manner
Conveyance is the process through which society obtains the ownership rights to the land and the building.
Deemed conveyance is when society approaches the competent authority for conveyance if the developer doesn’t give it.
As per MOFA and RERA law, it is the obligation of the developer to convey the land and building to society within 4 months/3 months from the date of formation of society.
Make an application in the prescribed form by affixing Court fees of Rs.2000/- to the District Deputy Registrar( Competent Authority with necessary documents). On receipt of an application, the office of the Competent Authority shall endorse on it the date of its receipt and shall as soon as possible, examine it If the application is not complete, the Competent Authority may send notice to the applicant to rectify the defects or comply with such requirements, If the above defect in an application is rectified, the responsible authority shall cause it to be admitted and register the application in the appropriate register.
On accepting the application, the Competent Authority shall, within a period of fifteen days thereof, issue a legal notice to the opponent/s requiring him/them to file the written statement on the date, and place as specified therein. Such notice shall be served on the opponents by registered post acknowledgment due or under the certificate of posting on the last known address.
On the date fixed by the authority, the opponent shall appear either individually or through the advocate hired or his authorized representative before the Competent Authority and shall file a written statement. Order and Certificate of Deemed Conveyance to be Issued by the Competent Authority or order for rejecting the application written submission and the oral arguments made by all the parties. But if on the date of hearing, if the applicant appears and the opponent or any of the opponents does not or do not appear, depends on the case, the authority shall decide the Application ex-parte order. Competent Authority to Appoint an Authorized officer to execute the Conveyance deed and register and admit the execution before the sub-registrar of assurance at the time of registration of the conveyance deed.
1. Society Registration Certificate
2. Latest Property Card (not older than 3 months)
3. Index 2 for each member’s flat or copy of their sale agreements (we will also need a copy of one agreement for the sale of one flat purchaser directly with the developer to ascertain the flow of title)
4. List of all lawful flat holders in the society
5. Building Completion Certificate certified by the Planning Authority. Even an Occupation certificate will do. If you don’t have BCC or OC, then provide us with the IOD/CC.
6. BMC approved Proforma A Plan
7. Property Tax bill latest
8. BMC approved Proforma A Plan
9. Name and contact details of:-
10. Paid up share capital of the Society
11. Last audit year
12. Details of Bank account of the society and name of the branch.
13. Last AGM date
14. Last election date
15. No. of the committee members
16. Last audit date
17. Audit class
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Click here to know about Deemed Conveyance Online In Dumka