Free Legal Advice - property dispute
Posted by: Karan
Posted on: 2019-12-06
Karan, 1. CA certificate is mandatory, if they did not have, then definitely issue at Later stage 2. If they Did not paid any Tax, first they have to pay those dues, before selling. Otherwise you have to pay 3. Cantonment Land, You have to go to Cantonment Office, for Verification. They also need to give Approval. 4. Based on "Agreement for sale", which you signed and paid token amount, if any clause exist to recover your money, then you can get. You may file notice and civil court procedings 5. Before you finish final payment, go to Pune Lawyer, local to that Area, and ask to verify the contents.
Karan, 1. CA certificate is mandatory, if they did not have, then definitely issue at Later stage 2. If they Did not paid any Tax, first they have to pay those dues, before selling. Otherwise you have to pay 3. Cantonment Land, You have to go to Cantonment Office, for Verification. They also need to give Approval. 4. Based on "Agreement for sale", which you signed and paid token amount, if any clause exist to recover your money, then you can get. You may file notice and civil court procedings 5. Before you finish final payment, go to Pune Lawyer, local to that Area, and ask to verify the contents.
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