Partition Suit - Next Steps, Fees

Background of the Case: This is a partition suit between 4 siblings in the state of Karnataka. Plaintiff (one of the siblings) has filed a partition suit with remaining 3 siblings. Out of the 3 siblings 2 are deceased (1 brother and 1 sister) hence their respective wife and children are included in the defendant. (overall 9 defendants) So Plaintiff is claiming for 1/4th of the share along with expenses he made on the properties/agricultural land to improve their state. Out of the listed properties in the partition suit, the estimate value plaintiff has mentioned is 4CR INR, with 1/4th share to be 1CR INR. Plaintiff is claiming 1CR + 45 lakhs (his expenses). Although the benefits of the investment have not been mentioned in the form of rents/crop harvest by Plaintiff and one of the Defendants. So in this case not sure if the document correctly represent this value. There is one lawyer being being appointed to represent all 11 defendants except one defendant who benefited from the rent and might have their own lawyer. I have two questions: I am one of the defendants in the suit. My mother(deceased) is one of the siblings, hence I get 1/4th of 1/4th share of this partition suit. Current estimate share as per the partition suit document is 25 lakhs INR. 1. The next hearing is on 19/12/2020 (looks like Lok Adalat in Karnataka is happening on the same date), should I hire a lawyer to request for more time given that I just got the notice recently. How can I access the case document online and not the case status. 2. How much is average lawyer fees for this partition suite if I hire my own layer to raise objections on the list of properties, his claim on expenses, etc. and go all the way. 3. How much is my Court fees i.e. defendant in this case? Is there a percentage of my share that I should be looking at for Karnataka state? Is there any online link that I can refer?

Free Legal Advice - property dispute

Posted by: Shivkumar Sali

Posted on: 2020-12-15

Dear Sir, You have to share all the relevant documents to get exact legal advise otherwise you may be misled.

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